Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Visit to the Hospital

It was a cool and breezy Sunday morning.Marigold clouds drifted across the high,sunlit sky.

''Linnie,we shall be visiting your grandmother in the afternoon.Help me with the fruit basket,''Mum called out from the kitchen.

Putting down the book I was reading,I sprinted across the living room to the kitchen.Hurriedly,I took the fresh fruits from the fridge and placed them into a basket.Then,my mother took a pink plastic wrapper and wrapped up the basket neatly before cleverly tying a purple ribbon around the basket.

My grandmother had just been warded to the hospital after a fall in the toilet.As the toilet's floor was wet and slippery,grandmother had accidentally slidded on the floor and landed on the ground with a loud crash and a heavy thud.Fortunately,after the X-ray,the doctor had confirmed that there was nothing to be worried about as there were no serious injuries.Not long after,we had reached our destination.Getting into the lift,Dad pressed the number''4''button and we waited patiently as the lift brought us to the fourth storey of the hospital.
Upon entering the ward,we could see many doctors and nurses dressed smartly in white uniforms.They were hurrying about,attending to the patients.There was a patient,who had fractured his leg and was staggering with the help of crutches.Since it was visiting time,there were a number of visitors at the hospital.
Not far off,I spotted my grandmother who was seated on the bed,leaning on two propped up pillows.She seemed to be chatting excitedly to the elderly woman on the bed beside hers.
''Granny!''I cried rushing towards her.
As soon as she saw us,my gfrandmother's wrinkled face cresed into a wide smile.
Stretching out her arms,I gave hera kiss on her cheek.My parents placed a fruit basket on the table in front if her and helped my granrandmother to the table.
''Ma,have some fruits,''Dad smiled warmly as he unwrapped the fruit basket to cut some fruits for my grandmother.My grandmother nodded her head and thanked my father.
Peeling an orange,my father asked concernedly whether my grandmother was feeling fine.I sat beside my grandmother was feeling fine.I sat beside my grandmother and listened to her as she talked.Suddenly,I noticed an old woman sitting miserably alone nearby.Feeling pity for her,I took some slices of oranges,placed them on a plate and walked towards her bed.
''Aunty,please let me share some oranges with you,''I said politely,gently placing the plate of oranges on her hands.
The old woman immediately broke out into a warm smile.
''Thank you,dear,''she muttered.
As she sucked on a piece of juicy orange,we chatted together heartily.
We were lost in her reminiscence when my prents announced that it was time to return home.
''Dear girl,thank you for showering me with so much love and spending such a wonderful time with me,''the elderly woman held my hand gratefully.I patted her hand softly.
Before leaving for home,I gave my grandmother a hug and promised her that our family would visit her again soon.
I learnt a lot from my visit to the hospital.Besides polishing my skill of caring for elderly people,I learnt how to comfort people.I guess this visit to the hospital was quite enriching after all.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello!Feelin' happy?Just take a look at the blogs around.Love pets,oh,be my guest.......post comments if u want to.(But I do not entertain nonsense!)