Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Survey report on newspaper reading

The section of the newspaper that was read most often was the ''Home'' section which took up 30% of the vote.On the other hand, the section of the newspaper that was read least often was the ''sports'' section,with 70% of the vote who do not read it at all.From the survey,I can conclude that in the group


Delia said...

Shermaine..y u so long nvr come sch???????????? PLS gimmee ur new house no.

Vivian :D said...

Sher sher... You ROCK

Clara said...

AHEM...told u u will b paying for 3 poems bout me....i will create perfect poem for u...u wait!I'll b bak.........muhahahahah

Shermaine Ng Kai Lin said...

delia,vivian,rachael,i love u all!